Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Psalms 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

When my daughter took her (then) boyfriend to meet her grandmother, the first thing she told him was, "She's gonna wanna feed you." Sure enough, Grandma offered up a plethora of choices ranging from pies and puddings to soups and casseroles. Never, ever does anyone leave her house hungry. If you do it's your own dang fault. I dare say that none of us have ever arisen from a table full of food still hungry, unless we were limiting ourselves for a reason.

My husband often questions the lack of knowledge and understanding many Christians seem to exhibit. "They stand there and say they're in church every Sunday, but their lives are an emotional train wreck. How can they not know how to find peace?"

It's a little like sitting down, starving, at a table full of food and not eating a bite.

The bible tells us to "taste" the Lord and see that He is good. Taste is the only sense that is basically voluntary and self-controlled. You can hear things you don't want to hear, feel things you don't want to feel, see things you don't want to see, (just go to the beach!) and smell things you'd rather not smell. (reference the song "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road.) But rarely do we taste something without our consent. We open up, draw it inside ourselves and experience it's flavor and texture in order to determine if it's "good" or not.

God is good in so many ways! He has a multitude of flavors and textures to explore. He can fill the emptiness inside you and satisfy the hunger that is eating away at you. He has a table full of blessing spread out before you, just waiting for you to partake of the feast! His bounty is endless, and it's available to you the moment you sit at His table.

Just remember, if you walk away hungry, it's your own dang fault...

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