Friday, November 20, 2015


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in..."--Matthew 25:35

 In the summer of 1983, somewhere on the IU campus, I listened intently as a woman spoke a phrase that would be forever burned into my memory...

 "People aren't just hungry at Thanksgiving and Christmas." She then proceeded to challenge us to set up a program of continued assistance in our communities.

 Each year, her words come back to convict me...

 Red Kettles and Angel Trees tug at our charitable hearts.  Churches and other organizations begin to search for families in need. Wallets open more freely and people began to give, treating that feeling of satisfaction like a hit of an opiate. It just makes you feel good...and, let's face it, in some cases it makes you look good, too. 

 But have you ever thought about what happens in June? What happens when parents who qualify for free breakfast and lunch at school, but not an EBT card, have to start feeding kids 3 meals a day instead of one. Where does the money come from to buy shorts and T-shirts when that winter coat is no longer necessary. Who buys the sandals that replaces the boots. Who buys the $15.00 window fan when the temperature reaches 90°? Who pays for the ball sign-up, or the 3 day bracelets at festival time?

 Who thinks about the other 10 months of the year?

 While I do think it is commendable that the holidays bring about good will toward men, women and children, I also think that we should all endeavor to do something the other months of the year. One person can't do everything, but everyone can do something. Feed someone, clothe someone,  help someone....make it personal. Ask you kids or grandkids if they have a friend whose parents can't afford something that most take for granted. Sponsor a ball player, or a dancer, or a cheerleader.  Offer free weekend babysitting to that young mother who still feels that working is setting the best example for her children.

January-October are not magical months in which all needs are met, and we should not close our eyes for 10 months while patting ourselves on the back for two.

God expects better from us...