After 48 Mother's Days spent together, this Mother's Day will be the first without my Mama. Her passing was bittersweet, I suppose. She was ready, we were not. Her gain became our loss, her healing became our injury.
Her triumph became our tragedy...
In honor of her, I would like to impart just a smidgen of her wisdom.
Act like you got some sense.
(This was a precursor to, "I'm fixin' to jerk you up and have a chill with you!")
Realize, the only thing worse than a drunken man is a drunken woman.
Don't go anywhere you can't take your kids, and you won't be anywhere you don't need to be.
When you lose a good reputation, it's hard to get it back.
Children eat first.
Know that you can make it without a man, because no matter what his changes.
Being called a little idiot isn't always a bad thing, depending on the situation.
A good mother will kill or die for her children, and face any danger without batting an eye.
God will carry you through if you let Him.
Don't ask God, "Why me?" Ask yourself, "Why not me?"
You can help some people so much they forget how to help themselves.
Quit yelling at your kids. It doesn't help.
You may have to get a second job.
Make sure the dog's got plenty water.
Getcha something to eat.
Make your bed in the morning.
Throw in a load of laundry before you go to work.
Put a little money back.
Pay your bills early.
Act like a lady, you'll be treated like a lady. (works in reverse, too.)
And for God's sake, you little idiot, brush that nasty hair, you look like the Bell Witch!
Dorothy Lee Lyle