Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Hero

Hero: a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
When my husband was 18 years old, he wanted to be a Marine. His father was a Marine, as was his grandfather and great-grandfather and so on and so forth. Unfortunately things didn't work out, so being a Marine was not in his future...
At one time he considered Law Enforcement until he realized you had to protect the guilty from the victim's daddy.
He did a brief stint on the VFD, but full time Fire Fighting didn't happen, either.
My husband has a great desire to be a hero. In his mind the above vocations offer a man that opportunity. As each year passes, and he gets another year older, I often see the what-ifs in his eyes.
It amazes me that he doesn't see the heroism I see.
He may not boast a military allegiance, but in the Army of the Lord, he is quite a soldier. He may never save someone from a burning building, but many will be rescued from the fires of hell. He may never take a bullet in the line of duty, but fiery darts of the wicked are aimed at him constantly for the ministry's sake. He has never ran from responsibility, and he has always had my back.
Sacrifices are made every day by ordinary men who get up, go to work, come home, and flee from temptation. They father children they did not sire, bolster the weak, protect the innocent, and guide the lost. They show those who are broken how they can be mended. They speak softly and still make an impression. They stand for what they believe to be true.
Every good man is a hero to someone.
Who's yours?

Friday, December 16, 2011


Crīstesmæsse is old English for Christmas, literally meaning, "A mass for Christ" Mass comes from the old Latin "missa" or dismissal, and has morphed into "mission" meaning you can now leave and be about your mission.

So in essence, celebrating Christmas means you are (or should be) on a mission for Christ.

I am a Christian. I celebrate, serve, love and honor, to the best of my human ability, Christ the Savior. I am not of the Jewish faith (though I did discover many of my ancestors were) so therefore I do not celebrate Hanukkah. Neither am I African-American, so Kwanza in not on my holiday list either.

However, if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah or Kwanza, I would simply smile, say "Thank you, you too!" and be on my way. I am not intimidated by other's beliefs, nor do I wish them any harm or oppression.

But, I would not be so hypocritical as to take advantage of the above holidays, just because it behooved me.

If one does not wish to celebrate Christmas, then one is not required to do so. There is no law on the books that says just because a bar advertises free drinks for women on ladies night that I have to go in and drink. Just because the strip club downtown says "Come in and meet nice girls" doesn't mean my husband is obliged to do so. If a store is having a 50% off sale it doesn't mean I must go in and buy twice as much as I normally would.

Just because someone puts up a sign that says "Merry Christmas" and a school sings "Silent Night" or "Oh Hanukkah!Oh Hanukkah!" at a holiday program, doesn't mean one has to believe in Christ, Judaism, or go to the program.

Freedom of religion means just that. You choose to participate, or not participate. Seeing something that offends you doesn't require your participation in it. It just means it's there. Just like bars, strip joints, mosques, temples or churches.

My advice to everyone is, let it be. Stop trying to justify your beliefs by suppressing those of others, and stop thinking that everyone has an agenda to change your opinion. If you are rooted and grounded in your belief, you shouldn't feel the need to justify it by stifling others.

Please, enjoy the season however you see fit, and allow me to do the same...just remember, if, on Dec 25th,  you pass out gifts and get the day off with pay, you are taking advantage of the holiday set forth by Christians to honor Christ.

Without Him, that particular day of giving and sharing would not be.

Happy Whatever to you! Hope it's the best ever!